Sourdough Saddo

Poor old Saddo Abroad, reduced to being a depository for links to Sinfini. And soon, if my web-designer, aka my son Adam, can figure it out (which I’m sure he can) Saddo Abroad will become integrated into my spiffy new WordPress website. I hope we can do this without any followers having to reregister.
I’ve just been up to Scotland on a sourdough bread-making course and if anything on this planet can induce a new blog that isn’t part of the Sinfini remit it has to be something with sourdough in the title. I already did Sourdough Abroad a while back, when in Los Angeles I think, so Sourdough Saddo it has to be.
Sourdough bread, for those that aren’t sure, is the oldest type of bread, made without the addition of yeast. Instead,